Monday, February 20, 2006

/`] Eric's new trick

We taught Eric to walk on his hind legs, not just so he could beg for treats like a little penguin, but also so he could do standup comedy. For example, Eric says that climate change isn't all bad - why, just the other day, a new flea market opened because of global warming. That's right, now they can get their fleas from Labrador.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Beats cow dung!

Two episodes ago ("True Love"), we learned that Eric defied precedent to climb the stairs in the middle of the night to be with his soul mate (and look-alike!), Keir. We also learned that, unlike Eric, Findlay habitually comes upstairs at such odd hours. What we must also know for our story's sake is that when he comes up, Fin goes to one of three (3) places: his crate, his dog bed, or our bed.

Last night, Fin came up at 2 am and curled up in the bed in which Keir had slept. Never before had he done that! It's another doggie sign that the lingering aura of Keir is powerful, indeed.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Keir is an anagram for Erik

Which one is Keir, and which is Eric?

If you have trouble, this x-ray may help...

Monday, February 13, 2006

True Love

Findlay invariably gets me up about 3 am for his nocturnal constitutional, and Eric tags along. When the dogs come back in, Fin goes upstairs and Eric curls up under the little table he calls "den". The first night Keir stayed overnight, however, Eric trotted up the steps and snuggled up in Keir's bed. He had never gone upstairs in the middle of the night until Keir was up there.

All together, now: awwwww!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Olympics are around the corner, and Eric is ready

January had as few blog entries as snow days in the U.S. Northeast, but this Groundhog Day is occasion for renewal.

Deb gave the dogs big bones upon which to chew this afternoon, and Eric was quite possessive of his. When we went on our daily run to and from the meadow, he carried the giant bone in his mouth the entire way! Downhill, uphill, over the river, through the woods. I am impressed anew with Eric's athleticism - you try running the equivalent of five miles wearing a fur coat and carrying in your teeth the equivalent of a watermelon or one of those medieval metal balls with the points ("Mace" - Ed.) !