Thursday, January 11, 2007

/`] Celebrity Marriages

Eric's career as a standup comic isn't going so well, so he's started arranging marriages among B-list celebrities. So far, he's arranged a marriage between PBS host Gwen Eiffel and the late Senator from Texas, John Tower, after which Gwen was known as Gwen Eiffel-Tower.

He has also arranged for actress Halle Berry to wed the late Richard Burton, and be named Halle Burton. And Philadelphia restauranteur Susanna Foo married Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, thus becoming Susanna Alito-Foo.

One of his clients, whom we'll call John Doe, requested anonymity because he became Mormon and married both two-time Olympic skater Tai Babalonia and golfer Michelle Kwan. Ms. Babalonia's name thereby changed to Tai Kwan-Doe.