Sunday, August 05, 2007

How to beat Eric

Give him a one-rabbit handicap.

Allow me to explain. Since this is the day the Macs come home, the original purpose of the blog, to let them know from afar how Little Eric is doing, is fulfilled. Fittingly, on this auspicious day, the most bizarre Eric-event yet happened.

I hopped on the bike to take the dogs to the meadow for their morning constitutional, but Eric didn't seem as fast as normal. I slowed down to allow him to catch up, and to my astonishment, saw what was undoubtedly the cause: he was carrying a rabbit. Since he had been out-racing me most days, I took this as a taunt - he thinks he can beat me carrying a rabbit! Well, let me tell you he's wrong! I whipped that little hare-carrying-Cairn's butt! I had time to get my camera and take this picture of him huffing and puffing to the finish line:

Thus ends the EricTheDogNotTheMan blog. Oh, the stories left untold: "Closet Dog", "How to tell Eric from Findlay", and "some EricJoke that I thought I'd remember overnight".