Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ralph should get his own blog

Add Sadie to the list of Eric's possible friends. Or something. Sadie chased Eric for a while, Eric chased Sadie for a while. I think Eric was quite surprised when Sadie followed him under the deck, something Fin has never done. I hope Sadie doesn't influence Eric to expand his food choices, if you know what I mean.

Eric has a new favorite spot - in front of our refrigerator. I suppose the warm air blowing out the vent keeps him warm in this 90 degree weather. He is strange, but harmless.

While Deb was away this morning, she opened Ralph's stall but kept the other two horses in. Ralph liberated Tiger, got into his stall and chewed the cord to his stall fan (fortunately, not plugged in!). That's funny, he doesn't look chewish.


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