Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Making of "SAT Question"

(read "SAT Question" and "SAT Answer" before reading this entry)

My public has requested a documentary of how "SAT Question" came about, and I am happy to oblige.

It all began with NPR. A few months ago, interspersed with various interviews about Iraq was an interview with the guy who does Sponge Bob's voice. One couldn't help but sense some similarity between the words "Baghdad" and "Sponge Bob", and I tried to compose a joke about it. Adam and Juila were subjected to my earliest feeble attempt at humor, and to my surprise, their reaction was not gales of laughter, but rather "I guess there might be some vague connection there".

But the dream did not die! Months passed, and meanwhile, EricTheDogNotTheMan came to be. If I could only come up with an Eric angle, I could finally share my vision with the world through the miracle that is this blog! I tried to come up with words that started with a noun, any noun, and ended in "Eric". "Generic" didn't cut it, "Tumeric" was a bit obscure, so I settled on "Homeric".

It was all downhill from there, just a matter of coming up with a word that ended with a parent (the British twist of "mum" in "chrysanthemum" was an extra bonus), and coming up with other words that ended with familiar names: DolPHIN, DigitALIS, LinoLEUM.

Enough. Let us hope the next blog entry will not be "Outtakes from "SAT Question"". Let us hope there will be no "SAT Question" T-shirts and coffee mugs. And let us hope this blog will return to tales of Eric defending his food, Eric catching a mouse, and Eric peeing on our newly-delivered wood.


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