Monday, January 09, 2006

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, indeed!

Hey, boys and girls! Today's episode is about real excitement! I know, other episodes of this have kept you on the edge of your seats, but that was due to superb writing about events that, if the truth be known, were rather dull. Today, we have mediocre writing about an exciting event!

Eric, as you know, loves the outdoors. He loves the outdoors the way that bees love honey, the way Fin loves food. He will stay outside for hours, occasionally barking at something in the Dog Dimension that we humans cannot sense. This morning, I heard him barking, and decided to check on him, certain that nothing was happening. Fin and I opened the door, and saw Eric running back and forth like a shuttlecock outside the dog yard. Slowly, I realized why - inside the dog yard was...a fox!

The fox seemed scared of Eric, because he kept trying to escape by banging into the dog yard fence. Clearly, this animal was not as sly as a fox! Fin finally figured out what was happening and joined in the chase. Eric wisely let Fin take charge and set up a post outside the dog yard gate. Fin ran into the dog yard at full speed. Fearing what would happen if Fin actually caught the fox, I yelled at the top of my lungs, "Leave it!" "Sit!" "Heel!", but to no avail. The fox somehow escaped through the gate as Fin ran in. He ran right past little Eric like a Ferrari passing a scooter. Fin recovered and charged after the fox. Fin ran over Eric, tumbling him like a tumbleweed. Eric was unhurt, and may have inadvertently saved Fin by slowing him down just enough that the fox was able to escape over Mount Manure. I can still see Fin poised at the summit of the Mount, barking sadly at the receding fox, who was safe over the Invisible Fence line.

Eric wanted back in the house. Fin wanted to relive the whole scene forever, running, barking and sniffing until we thought he was going to have a stroke. Eric went to his "den" under the table where he sleeps overnight. Fin finally calmed down enough that Deb could try to take the dogs on their beloved morning walk, but...Eric wouldn't go. He stayed inside most of the morning, and when he did go out, he clung to Deb's side as if he were heeling in a dog show. I had to lead him out to pee on a leash! Actually, we led him out on a leash, and I didn't keep track of where he peed.

By evening, Eric had recovered his courage, and we all took our traditional 5 pm (1700 hours) bike run to the meadow, and lived happily ever after.

P.S. For some real fun, type =rand() in Microsoft Word.


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