Monday, October 30, 2006

Persistence of Memory

Other than the fond memories, the most permanent trace of the Macs weeklong visit involves Eric. Early in the week, we opened the door to the house, forgetting that Eric was inside. Not for long - he escaped into the dark at the speed of light. We all got flashlights and started the search like villagers chasing Frankenstein across the moors.

We found him surprisingly quickly in the pasture, and thought we were out of the woods. After we got inside, however, we noticed a strange smell - skunk!

We found a mystic potion for removing skunk odor, and bathed Eric in a vat with hyrdogen peroxide, baking soda and eye of newt. He came out smelling a little better, but to our surprise, he turned out not to be a Cairn Terrier, but a "Westie".

Even after a second bath, the sweet skunk aroma lingers on. On the bright side, it makes everything else smell better.



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