Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Bike on through

Little Eric now goes to the meadow straight down the hill without all that gate-opening I described last time. He follows us when we either walk to the meadow, or when we ride our mountain bike. "What mountain bike?" you ask? Why, the bike I got last weekend and have been learning to ride ever since. Contrary to folklore, it doesn't come back like riding a bicycle. But I digress from the Eric story - he tags along beside the bike, sometimes close enough that I think he's going to end up like a baseball card in the spokes. Did he run close to y'all when you rode your bikes around the driveway and yard? I claim you can teach a dog anything (see footnote 1), so I suppose I can teach him to put a little distance between him and the bike.

1. Herbert Allen, president of the investment banking firm of Allen & Co. Inc., famously noted <> that "over a long weekend, I could teach my dog to be an investment banker."


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