Friday, September 30, 2005

The Gauntlet is Thrown Down

As you know, after dinner, the dogs and I run and bike, respectively, to the meadow. This evening, our run turned into a race - a real race! We were just crusin' down the hill with Fin and Eric in the lead when something clicked, and I decided it was time for humans to challenge the canines. I shifted into 3rd and pedaled as hard as I could. The dogs kept up. I speeded up even more; the dogs kept up. I shifted into 4th and finally passed the dogs. In the meadow, I had to go wide to avoid big bumps, and the dogs passed me again. I put on a final burst as we convereged on the opening to the woods, and...

The winner of this first stage was Eric!

In the woods, the dogs kept up their lead; they're way faster over tree roots than my bike. I managed to slip ahead as we turned onto the trail that leads out of the woods, and it's a good thing, because I didn't want the dogs in front of me when I jumped the creek bed. I thought I was going to win Stage II, but Fin passed me just before we left the woods.

The final stage was around the fence and up the hill. I've ridden the bike up hills a lot, but never after I had sprinted for half-a-mile trying to go faster than a Lab who runs like a greyhound and a terrier with legs like hummingbird wings. I dropped down to 1st gear and gave it every thing I had. It wasn't enough - Fin and Eric both beat me to the top.

Did I mention that Fin carried his red Jolly Ball the whole time?

Tomorrow, revenge.


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